Costume Designer
Speakeasy Stage Company - BCA: Roberts Theater - Sep 2015
Director: M. Bevin O’Gara
Scenic Designer: Cristina Todesco
Lighting Designer: Wen-Ling Liao
Photo Credit: Nile Hawver
Review Mentions:
- "Tyler Kinney's costumes add to the characters' images." - Nancy Grossman, Broadwayworld
- "Costumes by Tyler Kinney, lighting by Wen-Ling Liao, and sound by Arshan Gailus are never intrusive. The cast, set, and script are woven together seamlessly." - Robert Israel, Art Fuse
- "Tyler Kinney’s costume design completes the disparate picture made by these siblings: the different paths they have chosen are as evident in their appearance as in their speech and their livelihoods (or lack thereof)." - Fabiana Cabral, My Teatre
- "The technical elements are wonderful... to the (dare one say appropriate?) Costume Design by Tyler Kinney" - Jack Craib, South Shore Critic
- "Technical and acting elements all come together here." - Clinton
Campbell, Edge Media

Tamara Hickey* Bryan T. Donovan* Eliott Purcell Melinda Lopez* *Member of AEA

Alex Pollock* Ashley Risteen *Member of AEA

Tamara Hickey* Bryan T. Donovan* *Member of AEA

Tamara Hickey* Bryan T. Donovan* Eliott Purcell Melinda Lopez* *Member of AEA