Costume Designer

Allyn Burrows* Marya Lowry* Jesse Hinson* Jennie Israel* *Member of AEA

Jennie Israel* Craig Mathers* *Member of AEA

Craig Mathers* Marya Lowry* Steven Barkhimer* Nigel Gore* *Member of AEA

Allyn Burrows* Marya Lowry* Jesse Hinson* Jennie Israel* *Member of AEA
Henry VI, Part 2
Actor Shakespeare Project - May 2015
Director by Tina Packer
Scenic Designer: Eric Levenson
Lighting designer: Daniel H. Jentzen
Hair & Makeup Designer: Amber Voner
Photo Credit: Stratton McCrady
Boston Globe - Behind the Scenes
Review Mentions:
"This is not the first time I have praised Tyler Kinney’s costume design: he clothes his nobles and royals in an assortment of richly colored and patterned velvets, with gold embroidery – but his successes are not just with the richly appointed. The coarser fabrics, leather, ground-in dirt, and ragged hems of the lower classes are also a memorable part of the pageant." - Ian Thal, Art Fuse
"The characters are well delineated, and the changes of period costume make it reasonably easy to keep track of who’s who." - Jeffrey Gantz, Boston Globe